Hey! I’m Stephanie
I’m here to provide you with the info you need to get your business started.
It’s pretty simple really. In 2009 when all of my girlfriends were getting laid off from their jobs – they kept asking me how to start a business.
At the time, I was getting my MBA, but I wasn’t learning how to START a business, I was learning statistics, accounting, global marketing, operations, etc. I couldn’t tell them anything about the startup process.
So I started researching for them and couldn’t find anything that was remotely helpful. I had 15 friends come to my house, poured a lot of wine and asked them what was missing. I figured if 15 of just my super smart, totally rad girlfriends were confused by the startup process, more woman probably were too.
That’s when I decided to create Chic CEO.

Over 100k women have used Chic CEO to get their businesses started.
After Chic CEO went live, I brought in my friend, Jody Greene, as my partner and together we worked tirelessly to bring the info women needed to have thriving businesses. With over 100,000 women subscribed to our communications, events in San Diego, LA, Portland and New York, a membership site and a podcast – we were spreading the female entrepreneurship message far and wide.
Total Refresh
After taking a few years off, #marriage #babies Chic CEO has just gone through a total refresh, new content and inspiration to help you get your business up and running.
You can do this!
How to use Chic CEO:
1) Download the Business Plan Template if you are just getting started or if you want a refresher for your biz.
2) Join my Text List where I text out super savvy tips, secrets and epic strategies – but only for my text subscribers. Text ‘Chic CEO’ to 858-295-1007 and you’ll immediately receive a gift from me. <– Not to be missed.
3) Take a look at the How To Guides to get in-depth strategy guides on all sorts of topics to help you kick some ass. This is ACTIONABLE content, stuff you need to work on.
4) Check out the blog for interesting perspectives, interviews and blitz strategies you can use right away.
5) Enroll in the 3 Day Chic Start. In just 3 days you’ll have your business registered with the gov, your EIN, operating agreement and some awesome bonuses (including a private strategy session with me.)